The Joey Porter School of Verbal Diarrhea today announced its recent graduates, Kris Jenkins and Kerry Rhodes of the NFL's New York Jokes. Both graduated with 4.0 honors.
Kris Jenkins called the game Sunday against the NE Patriots the Jets' "Super Bowl" and on Wednesday, free safety Kerry Rhodes said he wanted to "embarrass" the Patriots.
On Pats superstar QB Tom Brady, Rhodes said "We will hit him more than six times. I promise you that. ” "You go out from the first quarter on, from the first play on, and try to embarrass them," "Not just go out there and try to win, try to embarrass them. Try to make them feel bad when they leave here. We don't want to just beat them. We want to send a message to them, 'We're not backing down from you and we expect to win this game, and it's not going to be luck, it's not going to be a mistake."
Rhodes needed several towels to wipe the shit from his chin.
Rhodes insisted the Jets "won't play dirty" but that Brady will be vulnerable. "I'm sure if somebody is around his leg, or he feels pressure below, he's not going to step into his throw," Rhodes said, according to the Daily News. "Any quarterback can be rattled," Rhodes said, according to the newspaper. "He's one of the best, don't get me wrong. That's evident.
Rhodes insisted the Jets "won't play dirty" but that Brady will be vulnerable. "I'm sure if somebody is around his leg, or he feels pressure below, he's not going to step into his throw," Rhodes said, according to the Daily News. "Any quarterback can be rattled," Rhodes said, according to the newspaper. "He's one of the best, don't get me wrong. That's evident.
In remarks to reporters on Wednesday, Tom Brady he wasn't phased by the diarrhea and that "talk is cheap."
Yadda Yadda Yadda. Haven't any of you opposite team players learned ANYTHING by now? This crap just throws logs on the fire. Keep it up! Throw these two idiots on the heap with the other loud mouths in the league. The Pats do their talking on the field, and will now speak loudly come Sunday in New Jersey.
Pieces of information from's Mike Reiss and The Associated Press was used in this report with humor added by Hanzyboy.
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